

MCQ on Preparation of daily report (M.S.83)-PM Vol-VII(Rule No-28) for GDS to MTS exam ! Postman/Mail Guard to PA Exam! LDCE IPO Exam


28. Preparation of daily report (M.S.83). –


(1)   The Head Sorting Assistant is required to submit to the Superintendent (or the Superintendent (Sorting) as the case may be)  through the Record Officer, a daily report in which the irregularities observed by him, or reported to him by the other Sorting Assistants of the set must be brought to notice.

       The daily report should be written by the Head Sorting Assistant from the rough notebooks of the set. A list of the important irregularities etc. is given in the next rule. In making each entry, the Head Sorting Assistant should write, in the appropriate column, first the name of the office/section of the official at fault or otherwise concerned, and following this a brief statement of the occurrence, worded as concisely as possible, but furnishing all necessary particulars.

        In every case in which a telegraph/fax is dispatched by the set, the message should be copied into the daily report where the time of dispatch, class and name of the station from which it was sent, should also be mentioned. These particulars should be taken from the copy of the message left in the book of service messages. Telegrams/faxes received by the set should be attached in original to the daily report, the action (if any) taken on them being stated in the report. If the Head Sorting Assistant is empowered to apply for extra train accommodation, he should forward with his daily  report a carbon copy of the requisition made by him for such accommodation.

(2)   The entries in the daily report should be numbered in one consecutive series for each report, and each entry neatly copied in a form of extract report, which should bear the same number as the entry to which it relates.

(3)   In Mail Offices where LSG Supervisors have been sanctioned in addition to LSG/HSG Head Sorting Assistants, each LSG Supervisor will submit a daily note in a prescribed form to the Head Sorting Assistant who will forward it to the Divisional Office through the Record Officer along with his daily report. On receipt of these daily notes in the Divisional Office, they will be carefully scrutinized and after taken necessary action filed along with the daily report of the Head Sorting Assistant.

(4)  Supervisor, Speed Post Centre will also use the same format MS (83) for submitting his daily report to the Manager, Speed Post.

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